Club Construction
The 700-yard range is scheduled to open this spring. The benches were ordered will be here soon. There are a few more spots for donors that would like to have their names on a bench. Cost for each bench will be $300. We will be doing the same for the smaller 300-meter rifle range after the 700’ benches are put together.
Club Maintenance
We are still in need of some help sprucing up the club. Last spring we had and awesome crew come in and they put new flashing on the covered firing point of the 300-meter rifle range and painted the club house. Serval of the sheds and the pull barn are still need of repairs and a good coat of paint.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at
What’s Going On
The club hosts monthly USPSA pistol matches every 1st Sunday of the month from March through November, weather permitting. Matches starts at 10am and usually consists of 6 stages, with 1 being a USPSA classifier. If this is something you are interested in, please contact Chris Brinser at First match is April 6. Shooters need to register on practiscore. New shooters to USPSA should come the day before the match to go through safety meeting with Dave Lawrence
We need some extra help on April 5th and May 3rd with setting of USPSA. Chris the match director is having surgery and won’t be available to help. Please contact us at if you would like to help
Square Deal Sportsmen is conducting (3) high power rifle matches which will be non-sanctioned but will follow CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program) rules.
Match Dates: June 14th, July 12th, & August 9th.
Match Type: 50 round National Match, reduced 200-yard (no-pits), with sighters.
Eligible Rifle: Match Rifle, Service Rifle, M1-Garand, etc. (any rifle - including bolt action).
Will follow CMP 2021 High Power Rifle Rule Book, CMP Match Rifle
2 relays will be scheduled. Arrival time 8:30 am, 1st relay starts 9:30am. Second relay will begin immediately upon completion of the first relay.
The course of fire will be standing 10 round slow fire single round load 10 minutes. Sitting Rapid Fire 10 rounds with mag change, 60 seconds. Prone rapid fire 10 rounds with mag change, 70 seconds. Prone slow fire 20 rounds, 20 minutes.
Entry Fee: $10 per relay.
Match Registration: All competitors must pre-register ahead of the match.
Contact Anthony Hanakovic at
Square Deal Sportsmen is conducting (10) 300-yard F-class rifle matches, which will be non-sanctioned.
Format: 40 Rounds for record with unlimited sighters. You will have 2 record targets and a sighter target per relay and you shoot 2 relays. You can only shoot 10 rounds on each record target but you can shoot an unlimited number of sighters during the course of fire. There will be a 30-minute time limit for each relay.
Equipment: Front rest or bipod with rear bag. Muzzle break is allowed but you are responsible for your muzzle blast. This will be a prone or bench rest match so bring appropriate equipment. Eye and ear protection is a must. Camera system or spotting scope is allowed. .22 cal to .35 cal are welcomed to shoot. Must have a scope and your rifle zeroed in at 300-yards before the match.
Fee: $10 per shooter (covers both relays) – there will also be an optional $10 entry fee if you want to get into a prize pot.
Prize: You must put into the pot in order to win the cash prize
1st - 50% of prize pot
2nd - 35% of prize pot
3rd - 15% of prize pot
Time: Match starts at 9am to completion. You can pre-register with the match director or last-minute sign up is at 8:15am at the club. All shooters must go through a safety inspection, be present during roll call, and hear the match rules to be able to shoot.
To pre-register email: with your name and phone number and event you’re shooting.
Match Dates: April 19, May 10/24, June 7/28, July 26, Aug 23, Sept 13/27, and Oct 11
Point of Contact:
Match Director: David Saunders
Assistant Director: Anthony Hanakovic
In The Works
We have scheduled Project Appleseed for August 16-17 for our youth members this year. Project Appleseed is a national non-profit program that teaches the fundamentals of rifle and pistol marksmanship combined with the storytelling of American Revolutionary War history. There events are family friendly and designed for all ages and experience levels. This is a squared deal private event at this time. For event information click here. To pay and register for this event, click here. How to build your own rifle click here for this event.
Square Deal has purchased a few rifles for the use in events like Appleseed. These rifles are for youth who would like to attend but do not have a rifle to use. The Feijoo family gave a very generous donation to Square Deal Sportsmen to purchase these rifles for youth firearms education. It was Manuel’s last wish that we start working with the youth. If you have any questions, please email us at
Gilberto Padilla has approach Square Deal about putting together a competitive youth rimfire team. Gilberto is a Veteran, Master Shooter in RFRO, RFRI, PCCO, PCCI, and Steel Challenge Champion in many states. He is also a Scholastic Shooting Program coach, USPSA and NRA SRO. Gilberto has a long list of accolades any serious shooter would dream of accomplishing. If you are interested, please email us at Giberto has set aside a few dates to meet with parents and youth if you’re interested.
Redding Reloading and Square Deal are working together to put on a basic reloading class. We are working on a date. With New York now mandating back ground check on all ammo, this would be a great way to learn how to make it yourself and save some money. This class could turn into something more if there is enough interest. Please let us know if this is something you would be interested in; please email the club at
Thank You for being a member of Square Deal Sportsmen Inc. It’s you the members that make it possible for Square Deal to stay open. Please share with us your comments, and concerns. If you have any questions, want to volunteer, want to try a match out, or become a match director, please feel free to contact us at (607) 744-1214 or email us at
We look forward to hearing from you. As always, you are welcome to come to the general/board meetings.
Square Deal Sportsmen, Inc. Board